Patient Zero x The Living Dead x Exclusive Content Sept 20, 2022

Rug Zombie
3 min readSep 16, 2022


image captured from

The RugZombie team has finished an update of the Patient Zero mini-game! With some new added easter egg content, exclusive NFTs, and more hidden features, our Patient Zero game is beginning its expansion with the first integration of an outside project, The Living Dead.

We recently announced a trading contest for The Living Dead NFT collection on the BNBChain to inaugurate this special event.

About the Integration

TLD NFTs are now playable assets in our mini game. This means users who hold at least 1 TLD NFT now have an additional use case for these NFTs. This integration will go live on September 20th, 2022.

So How Does the Integration Work?

It’s really simple; playing the game uses NFTs in your wallet, primarily from the RugZombie ecosystem, but your TLD NFT also works in the game!

What does it do, you ask?

List of Features

  • TLD Holders have 7 Days free access to the Game. After 7 days, you need a BASIC ZMBE NFT to enter and play. Don’t worry, these NFTs are easily earnable at or purchased on for relatively cheap (~2USD). They are very cheap and there is plenty of time to get them.
  • TLD NFTs are used to access a unique quest that is ONLY available for TLD holders. You can trigger this quest in the “WILD SANDS” area, which requires you to complete the first section, called “the catacombs”.
  • The quest will be triggered ONLY if you currently hold a TLD NFT.
  • The quest requires you to venture around the text based world solving puzzles and defeating monsters.
  • Upon completing the quest, users can optionally mint an exclusive NFT. This NFT is playable in the game, and also will be a card playable in our upcoming featured Card Game, ZOM.
  • The TLD quest must be completed in two parts: the first part is meeting the requirements on the WILD SANDS, and the second part will happen in another dungeon that will be created soon. Stay tuned for details!
  • TLD NFT holders in PART 2 can earn LOOT DROPs of AMULET SHARDS in game. These amulet shards are dropped at a 15% drop rate on select enemies. Amulet shards will be used later to craft/earn powerful items.


What is Patient Zero?

PØ is a retro-style text based adventure mini-game that uses NFTs to unlock rewards and prizes. We are building more and more dungeons every day and adding more and more rewards to the game all the time!

Why 2 parts of the quest?

We want the game to be engaging, fun and expansive. Requiring multiple areas for the quest gives you ample time to explore and make sure you completed all that comes before and gives you a reason to keep exploring new realms as they are added.

What are the quest details?

We don’t want to give away the details, because, where is the fun in that? Part of the “adventure” in “adventure game” is trying to figure out where to go and what to do. Think of this like a text-based puzzle.

How do I get in the quest?

Visit to access the game. Playing the game requires a blockchain connection.

Do I have to pay to play this game?

This game is absolutely free, however, it does require holding a BASIC ZMBE NFT in general. Other than this NFT, it does not require the use of any other NFT, however, you definitely miss out on some fun and cool content without the aid of NFTs.

BASIC ZMBEs are earned through staking, and so we felt that users not only receive NFTs but ZMBE tokens for staking, and therefore we can safely call this a free to play game as you are rewarded through the staking mechanism and the cost is offset by the staking rewards.

How Do I Get My Project Integrated?

If you’d like to get your NFT or token project integrated into our game world, reach out to us on telegram or discord. You can also find more information here.



Rug Zombie
Rug Zombie

Written by Rug Zombie

Bringing your rugged tokens back from the dead.

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