AMA 11/08/2021
EZ: Hey, how’s it going Silverback? You’re here.
Silverback: Hey, what’s up, man?
EZ: All right, Sparkle and Danny are two members that just jumped in that they don’t have like, because I’m recording it. They may be uncomfortable, like jumping in voice. But anybody can just pop questions in the chat. And then we can answer here. And then I’m going to get Jeffrey to like type up a little response as we need to.
Silverback: I know Danny from Gorilla-Fi, he’s been day one over there.
EZ: That’s great. Yeah. And I know Twilight Sparkle because he’s very active in Telegram.
Twilight: How are you guys? We’re excited about this.
EZ: So hey, this is what we’ll do is I think the best thing to do is to walk through how the migration is going to happen. Then we can talk a little bit about some of the questions, common questions that have happened with our NFT’s. And then we can just kind of look at the different chats and questions people have. So, it’s meant to be really informal. This is not one of those formal AMA’s that, you know, people do on this telegram chat. This is just meant to be a community talking about things that are happening. So that’s the goal.
So maybe let’s go ahead and do it. I’ll start and then Silverback, you just dive in whenever you need to. And or I might just pass the mic to you at some point.
Silverback: Okay, sounds good.
EZ: The first thing that people need to know I think is like the migration to ApeSwap, really, the question becomes why? That’s like, kind of the major question because Pancake is the biggest AMM out there. And so why migrate?
Well, there’s probably a ton of reasons that we could give. And the reason that sticks out to me the most is that we are a small or a young project that is looking to do something really innovative in a long term. And we are really desiring to partner with and work with other projects that have a great dev team and that really have the same heartbeat that we do. And after talking with, you know, if we talked with a few different AMM’s, but meeting with ApeSwap and talking to Julian over there, what they’re doing is just incredible. And they are so professional about everything that they do. It’s like they actually give a care.
So I think that really sold me on kind of migrating over to them. And then honestly, if I can be real candid, it’s kind of some free press. Because the migration over there will attract a lot of new users that maybe would have not gathered had we not made a migration of sorts. So, that was more from me, one of the some of the main reasons like practically speaking, there are lower trading fees over there. And they’re just have a really growing cool ecosystem with some things that they’re doing. So, there’s a lot that they offer that is really exciting. Silverback, anything you’d add to that, like the Why?
Silverback: Yeah, just like you said, we’re young, we’re trying to grow like organically. So, it’s like Gorilla-fi was it’s kind of like a slower start than some of these pump and dump scams that you see. I mean, a lot of these projects, they shoot out of the gate with a huge market cap, and they just crash down to zero because they’re in it for like the short term. But this is a long term project. So grow slower and I think the partnership with Apeswap, it’s strategic to try to you know, not only do we like what they’re doing, but it’s also a place to leverage their community, their users to help us grow and kind of create some momentum. So that basically, you know, we go to ApeSwap, we use that momentum, we get listed on Coin Market Cap, and then we continue the growth.
EZ: Yeah. So some of the nuts and bolts of it will be in regards of like, not the why, but the how is really unless somebody is an LP provider that is, you know, has paired on PancakeSwap, and is subsequently staking in our tomb with our zombie B&B pair, this move doesn’t really affect you.
We will still have liquidity open on both AMM’s. So, people that want to use pancake because they love it can do that. We’re going to try and incentivize people to come to ApeSwap by changing the yield that is emitted in that tomb to be a lot higher. So what we think that will do is people that are doing liquidity provision, tend to do it because they want the zombie rewards anyways. So we think that will help people be incentivized to migrate over there. But it’s not required by any means, so anybody that is just staking in our graves, or our spawning pools or simply holding zombie, it won’t affect you really in any way at all. Now, you’re just going to have two places to buy and sell zombie.
The way that it will affect LP providers is that people that do have LP, they are going to have to break that pair, if they want to migrate it, they’re going to have to go to pancakeswap and break that pair, which will result in permanent loss. However, if they’re going immediately over to apeswap and pairing it back it will be a minimal effect on them. So it’s not really too big of a deal. And that’s kind of the trade off, right? Like if somebody wants higher yields are going to do that anyways.
There are a few things that you need to keep in mind. So I don’t know if those that would be listening to this later, or those reading this or those in the chat right now. If you are withdrawing from our current tomb, remember that every withdrawal or deposit resets your withdrawal and deposit fee, or the timer.
So you need to make sure that the amount that you withdraw from your LP tomb is exactly what you want to do. Otherwise, you’ll have to wait three days so that you’re not assessed that early withdrawal fee, we can’t really change that. That might be something that we’ll do if we ever upgrade to a second version or a second contract, like we could do that in the future. But something right now, it’s just way too much dev work.
So what that means is that you just have to be strategic, like if you want to remove all your LP and move it over to ApeSwap, then do it in one fell swoop instead of doing a small amount. Otherwise, you’re gonna have to wait three days, or we assess that fee. So we know that’s like an inconvenience. But that’s the way we built the contract in order to keep people providing liquidity and to incentivize people to make smarter, more long term decisions. Silverback, you want to add anything to that?
Silverback: No. I mean, I would just add that during the migration, there’s going to be some things that look a little.. Well, there’s some technical things that we have to do during the migration. I don’t know if you’re into that right now or I don’t know where we are…
EZ: Yes, we can. So Nams would do a great job explaining it, but he’s working his night shifts, selling products so that he can afford more zombies. So part of what it is, is like when we set the contract, it was meant to go through the pancake router. And so what ends up happening is, when we move over to apeswap, some of the fees that are hard coded into the contract, we cannot have those fees take place in both AMM’s at the same time. So what it’s going to force us to do on the back end and this is just for your knowledge, like it really won’t affect the user experience at all too greatly. But essentially, once we’ve migrated to Apeswap, what we’ll have to do is on the back end, make it so that if you’re withdrawing from the pancakeswap tomb, you’ll have to withdraw all, withdraw max.
And part of the reason of that is that if you would try to withdraw partially after we’ve moved over to apeswap the transaction will fail and we don’t want people to experience that frustration. So we’ll just make it to where you have to withdraw max. And yeah, or else… the user experience will basically be the exact same. There’s just some like technical things that we have to do on the back end to make it work that way. So I’m probably saying things that don’t make any sense to anyone, because you’re going to experience pretty much the same thing as you will in both tombs.
So the other thing I want to mention about like moving your LP from pancake to ape is that if you are considered a whale in the LP tomb, so if you have LP that is not staked then this does not apply to you. However, the whale tax itself will, if you do 5% or more of the tomb supply, that it will assess a whale fee. So in the UI we’re going to come up with a feature to help you determine whether that [unclear] or not.
And so the way we’re going to help people that are whales migrate over is provide a way for them to check to see if they maintain 5% of that supply of that tomb. And if they do our recommendation is instead of withdrawing all of it, withdraw a portion of it, withdraw just under the amount that would be tax for the whale tax purposes. So I believe it’s 5%, so, you’d have to withdraw like 4.9% of the total amount. So just a hair.
So it shouldn’t be too bad of a transition for people that are considered whales. And then the reality is that you are going to move over to a tomb that has a lot more emissions given to it. So you’re hopefully going to make that up like by leaps and bounds by just simply by migrating over. Did I capture that right Silverback?
Silverback: Yeah, you did.
EZ: Okay, yeah, it sucks. But it’s part of like, part of the mechanics of, you know, part of reason we put the whale fee on the tombs is because we know what these pump and dumpers do, these degen farmers and, you know, people can do what they want. But if they’re going to come over and try and like dump $40,000 of BNB, simply to just soak up all the rewards, and then dump it on our community, like, we’re not okay with that. So, if you’re gonna engage in that kind of behavior, we’re gonna tax you for it. And we’re gonna give that back to the long-term holders in the community. So that’s kind of why we had it in the first place. But as we migrate over to ape swap, it may present…you may be subject to that kind of tax.
So you’ll just have to check and our initial liquidity amount that the team put in, we are only going to take out a small portion of that to move over to ape swap. And some of that we’re going to be keeping in pancake. And hopefully, that’ll be a large enough portion of the LP supply in pancake to where the chances for your portion to be 5% or more is going to be hopefully, pretty low.
Yeah, so if you have more questions about that, you can ask, but it will be something that you have to consider as you pull out.
So I see Chris asked that question, he’s listening, like, if you withdraw Max, if you’ll be subject to wealthy? It will only happen that way if you have 5%, or more of the total supply. So if you have 5%, or more of the tombs supply, then yes, that would apply to you if you withdraw max. But what you can do is just withdraw just under that threshold. And, you know, who knows, maybe having LP in both tombs will be good for you in some way. Because what will happen is like, even though it’s a lower emission rate on the pancake swap grade, as people migrate over, well, that lower percentage will be captured by less people. So it might end up being in your favor to be in both, but who knows?
Silverback: Yeah, that’s a good point. And you never know. I mean, I imagine, you know, once we get on CMC, and other things like that people might come through the pancakeswap, you know, LP first, before they even realize that we have a listing on apeswap [unclear 13:14]. So it’s like, could be like a lot of activity over there on that LP. So you know, just have to play it out and see how it goes. And with two LP’s [unclear 13:25] It will be interesting to see how that plays out.
EZ: Yeah, that’ll actually, you know, arbitrage isn’t necessarily bad, it actually can be good for volume and for the trading of the token itself, it will kind of average out. I would anticipate, if you’re going to migrate, or if you’re going to buy or sell more zombie, I would anticipate some liquidity issues as people are making the transition. It will be brief and momentary. But you can just expect that for probably a few minutes.
It’s just hard to tell. And then apeswap will be announcing our invitation to the build program with them. And that we’ve listed our LP with them, they’ll be announcing that. So I imagine we’re going to have a lot of new blood in the zombie horde. So I think there’s going to be a lot of buy and sell orders. So all that said, I think it’s going to work out for everybody. You just do need to be careful about the amount that you’re withdrawing and be careful of the withdrawal fees. So those are like hard coded, and we can’t really change that. So I wish we could, but we can’t. So this is what we got to work with.
So a few questions from the Twitter thread. These are two easy ones. I’ll let you answer Silverback. It’s just basic. Somebody asked what do I have to do to get some NFT’s and I don’t know if they were just kind of throwing it out there because that’s kind of the bread and butter of what we do.
Silverback: Buy some zombie and stake it in our graves or get some zombie and stake it in our spawning pool and you can buy Gorilla-Fi [unclear 15:17]
EZ: So there are opportunities where if you don’t hold a scam or rug token, you definitely have opportunities to get NFT’s with us. We are not going to necessarily encourage people to go buy scam tokens, but we know that most of you are doing that anyway. So there’s ways to get pretty much every NFT that we have on our platform. So yeah, simple question.
So, Martin wanted to know what our plans are for marketing. And I don’t know if he’s referring specifically to the migration with apeswap or just in general. Silverback, you’ve got some thoughts on that I think with our campaign.
Silverback: Yeah, right now we’re focusing on the migration, there’s going to be like a lot of marketing that comes from our partnership with apeswap, because, like, they’re going to make announcements to the communities, they’re gonna open up farms over there, we’re gonna do some, hopefully do a spawning pool with them and a unique NFT for apeswap. And that should be, you know, introduce us to a lot of new users that don’t know about our project yet. So that’s one of the major reasons why we’re partnering with them is, this is a marketing activity. This is a partnership that’s supposed to, you know, bring awareness to the project.
Outside of that, we’ve kind of, you know, I would say the last month I’ve almost been, you know, running the platform, almost like a beta, you know, it’s we’ve been rolling out or features, our Mausoleum, our spawning pools,
kind of fine tuning things, fixing the UI. And now basically, I think, after we’re done with this apeswap migration, the platform is going to be in really great shape, and we’re going to be ready to kick up our marketing. I don’t know if we’re really ready to release the details of that but we do intend to heavily our marketing after the migration.
EZ: Yeah, part of the earned press and partnerships is free press. So those things are leaps and bounds better than paid marketing and advertising, which, you know, I have that background. And so I understand most people get upset about like, pay to play marketing, most marketing is paid to play, like you pay per click, you pay for ads being run, you pay for press releases, when you can earn that, because you’re doing something cool, and somebody picks you up, that’s the best.
So partnerships help do that because you’re getting press and advertising from like, Euler. Like, they’re all about it, we love Euler and they love us, it’s been really a great working relationship. So those types of things are part of marketing. And then if you’re just talking about more broadly, we do have a marketing roadmap on our site. And I’ll say that things are going more or less according to plan, maybe timed a little bit differently. But we’re going according to plan and yeah, that’s where we are.
So as far as kind of campaigns that we’re doing, there’s a lot that we are considering. One thing that we’re talking about is doing some contests and other things, but we’ll release the details of those whenever we get there. We’d like to increase our user base organically before we start to do some of that.
So, Silverback keep it going so I can get my grumpy kids out of here.
Silverback: Okay. Is there another question here? Let’s see.
What’s start date for the migration? I think we’re shooting for either tomorrow or Friday, that’s all I know right now. Somebody’s asking about your vacation.
EZ: Yeah, I saw that. Yeah, migrations plan to start tomorrow or Friday. Because we have a time lock on our contracts. Now, we’ll be forming the initial LP and then we’ll roll out the tomb and everybody will know the date that that tomb is like the time and the block that will come out. So you can kind of prepare your LP and you’ll have about six hours to like think about it.
Yeah, how’s my vacation? Well, you can hear crying baby in the back that’s been about… vacations for parents is just being a parent in a more difficult place, that’s really what it’s been like. But no real complaints, the mountains are beautiful. Hey, Silverback, timeline on the game in the NFT’s and utility. How do we want to handle answering that, like, truthfully, yet also being secretive about our plans?
Silverback: I mean, the game on the roadmap is scheduled for next year? I think we’re making good progress on it. It’s in development. And I think that’s kind of where we’re at with it right now.
EZ: We are currently engaging with various gaming platforms, we’ve got some… we’re trying to figure out what we can say without giving away too much. What I will say is that I have yet to see the things that we’re planning to do, I’ve yet to see them done on the binance smart chain, I’ve yet to see them done actually in crypto. And I see people doing something a little bit similar to what we’re planning, in terms of like collectible card game type stuff, but nothing quite directly related to what we’re planning to do, which is pretty cool.
Who knows that may change in the next few months, there may be more, NFT’s are hot right now, so there may be a lot more projects popping up doing some of this stuff.
Okay, how will NFT’s be utilized? Well, the gaming one is a big one. So that’s going to be the key and kind of the core component. We also have some other ideas and I think it’s okay, fair to say this in the merchandising department. And so that’s not something in crypto that’s generally, like people aren’t really all that excited about merch in crypto from my experience, but I think part of what we’re doing is building a brand. And if you think about it, like brands do have a sway with people when it comes to merchandise because people want to represent their brand. And so we’ve got some opportunities here to lean into that and so we’re going to be… more will come on that. So merchandise in gaming, I think will be the highest use cases for the NFT’s.
And then of course, we have like some partner projects that we are working with, like with Euler, even auto shark, we’re talking with them a little bit about this. There’s just a lot of other projects where we can start to use NFT’s for various utility purposes, across a range of different platforms, which is another reason why building partnerships is so big for us because imagine coming to RugZombie getting this NFT, and not only do you get to use it for a game or for some merchandising stuff, but it gets you access to certain features or functions on another platform like that would be a huge win. So we’re kind of leaning into that as well.
So it’s 12:23 and we plan to do this until about, well, at least where I am today for about seven more minutes. Any other last-minute questions that you guys want to drop in the chat about what’s going on? what we’re doing? They don’t have to be related to NFT’s or the LP migration? If not, we can just kind of shut it down early and make sure that Jeffrey gets on like transcribing this.
Good question Matt. Yeah, the zombie is kind of the base utility token for us to just by earning the NFT’s. So we could have just ran a platform without our own token. But the problem becomes at that point that the rug tokens people deposit have like almost zero value. And so there’s no way for us to like keep the project afloat if we don’t have something else. So we could have done BNB, we could have done a number of things. But controlling our own token allows us to actually generate like emissions per block. And so the farming of course, is good, the NFT’s are good. And then we’re considering… I can’t get into all the details of it. But some ways that we might be adding some decentralized community features in the future will be related to holdings zombie as well. But that’s a very early and nascent idea, so we can’t quite share that.
Danny, do you have any plans to expand into Spanish platform? We’d love to, I mean, I’d love to see more languages represented around our platform. I think when there’s enough of a user base, we can start to consider that. As of right now, I don’t think that we’re large enough as a community to warrant like, kind of revamping our whole front end in order to have Spanish. [Spanish 25:15] I was a Spanish teacher about 10 years ago and so I do love the Spanish language.
Ah, Matt, that’s a great question, plans to break into the zombie movie show industry for both NFT’s as a payment in [ unclear 25:48] that industry. You know, we haven’t really talked about it much as a core team. But I actually… I didn’t tell you this Silverback… I actually reached out to a few folks I know in like the movie industry to see, like, in my head, it was something like what would it look like to do a, you get an NFT ticket, and you get to watch an exclusive premiere showing of like a zombie film or something. I was just dreaming about different ways.
That’s certainly an idea that we could pursue in the future. But we haven’t as a team done anything solid? Did I ever tell you that Silverback?
Silverback: No, I hadn’t heard of that one yet. But I would say everything’s on the table for us. I mean, we’re in this for the long run. I think we’re very fluid team. Like we’re always sharing ideas with each other all the time. And we do have like our core roadmap, but we’re really open to anything, any types of partnerships, or whatever we can do to bring value to the RugZombie platform or the zombie token. And yeah, we’re reaching out and exploring all of our different types of contacts that we’ve developed over the years of our careers. So yeah, anything’s really on the table.
EZ: It would be cool to see like a zombie movie. So the feedback I got was from people that are like artists that do movie contests and those film contests is that zombie and apocalyptic style films are very heavy on the makeup and very heavy on like some of the sets and that kind of thing, which make them very difficult to do for a, like a film contest, because you kind of have to have a lot of initial capital. So that was the feedback that I got. But man, it would be really sweet to do something like that.
Silverback: Yeah, I mean, who knows, I mean, if we grow a platform and influence, and we have, you know, 10s of 1000s of users, it could be something where we partner up with new film that’s coming out where they, you know, give us like an exclusive NFT that we put out to our users as a way for them to market their upcoming movie. I mean, really, honestly, the sky’s the limit.
EZ: I agree with you Matt on that. It’s hard, you know, a lot of these game… Silverback has a lot of experience in that industry. But a lot of these gaming companies, they want to do their own thing, man, like they have their IP, their intellectual property, like all tied up with copyright, like they’re very protective of their brands. And it is really hard to break in. But hopefully, there will be some opportunities there in the future. And we’re looking, yeah, we’re looking hard at all sorts of ways.
And so I also want to say that, you’ll notice in our gitbook and our documents that we talked about gaming, but a suite of games. So we did plan to develop our game first. But there are a lot of other games that we’ve considered that would love to, to kind of build an ecosystem because honestly, that style of game that we’ll make may not be everybody’s cup of tea. So we want to continue to make something for everybody.
Okay, so it is now been 30 minutes. Any closing remarks Silverback, you want to say?
Silverback: No, just, we’ve been working hard as a team, it’s been, I don’t know, three months solid of like, really hard work, we’re dedicated to this project. We’re trying to do everything we can to grow our users, grow our features and grow our influence and just want to let everybody to know that we’re working hard for them. And I think we’re gonna have a really bright future.
EZ: Agreed. Yeah. Thanks so much for listening, guys. I think I would just say thank you to everybody that’s been here from the beginning. Like we, you know, when you deal with… we’ll keep smashing it Chris, we will. When you deal with rug projects, you know, it’s a scammy space. So I think there’s a lot of suspicion and a lot of people that are wanting to make sure that it’s just, you know, it’s really hard. So we just want to say thanks for your trust. And we’re going to keep trying keep building transparency into our platform. We’re going to keep trying to deliver like good things and keep growing. So as we do that, we hope we continue to earn trust from our users and keep getting people pumped about zombifying the blockchain, so, yep, that’s all we got.
We are very active in the chat. So if you’ve got questions that we didn’t address, you can always ask them then. And for those of you who missed some of it and for those who, you know, maybe weren’t on at all, we’re gonna post this in the chat so that people can see the write up on it. So, Alright guys, I’m gonna end here.
Silverback: Cool. Thanks, everyone.
Twilight: Thank you, guys.
Originally published at